Estimating the number of people who attended Khadim Rizvi’s funeral


By Rana Tanveer

The funeral of Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi, Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) chief and firebrand orator, held on Nov. 21 is said to be the biggest funeral in the history of Lahore.

Many took to social media to estimate how many people attended the ceremony. Some guessed the number was in millions, others termed the number less than a million. Without any doubt, this was huge. And this was despite second wave of Covid-19 and not following the SOPs!

While most drone footages covered mainly the Greater Iqbal Park, Lahore there were thousands of people on the adjacent roads and nearby flyover as well.

We tried to map people present at the funeral using MapChecking–a tool that helps to “estimate and fact-check the maximum number of people standing in a given area.”

The tool gives three different options: Light, Crowded and Packed. Below are the estimates in each category of people present at the funeral of #KhadimHussin Rizvi.


  1. I was in that funeral what I saw and what our administration departments said
    It was Almost about 1,80,00,000 people attended the funeral of Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi (late)

  2. میں نے آج تک زندگی میں کبھی اتنا بڑا اجتماع نہیں دیکھا شاید تاریخ میں اتنا بڑا جنازہ نہیں ہے بیشک علامہ حافظ خادم حسین رضوی رحمتہ اللہ ایک بہت بڑے عاشق رسول ﷺ ہے ان کا مشن پاکستان میں نظام ﷺ کو نافذ کرنا تھا بیشک وہ ایک عظیم مجاہد تھے اور اس صدی کے مجدد تھے

  3. I have never seen such a big gathering in life till date. Maybe there is not such a big funeral in history. Indeed, Allama Hafiz Khadim Hussain Rizvi (may Allah have mercy on him) is a great lover of the Prophet. His mission was to implement the Nizam of Islam in Pakistan